Friday, March 15, 2013

Roxby Canonigo

Time: 5 hours initially + 1 hour touch ups
Type: Digital painting
Software: Corel Painter X + Photoscape + Adobe PS CS4
Brushes: Wet oils, Chalk, Flat oil, Camel impasto, Gouche Cloner for the shirt, Oil brush, A little Fine Gouache brush
Model: Roxby Canonigo

Click here to view hi-res image

Comments: Valentine's day, and I was waltzing around the mall. Just donated some blood because a person was in dire straits. There I was about to collapse from exhaustion (I donated blood after my night shift so I hadn't had any sleep) when my college friend popped up. Long story short, she treated me to lunch - ON VALENTINE'S DAY! I never thought I'd have a date! Anyway, as a sort of thank you gift, I made this for her. Here you go Rox! Thanks for treat!